About my Blog

"I am not a chef. I am not even a trained or professional cook. My qualification is as an eater. I cook what I want to eat – within limits" from Nigella Lawson's "How to Eat"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Finally .... I've Made It

I have always wanted to have my own food blog ... ever since I started blogging through my main personal blog All About Mie. You know ... that feeling when you feel all excited  to tell the whole world about certain "aspect" in the body of the story but just couldn't cramped it in the same page.

But then that time ... I decided that I should focused blogging within  a certain theme or topic that I know best which is .... myself. Furthermore, there are already millions food blogs around the world.

However, working in Penang, with access to all the glorious food plus being treated like a princess by my dad and aunties (foodwise), i just couldn't resist the urge to create another blog dedicated to my passion for food.  Furthermore as my current job sometimes revolve around food ... so .. what the heck! I am just branching out from my blogging norm, right ?

On a personal note ... recently a very good friend of mine got transferred out from one of our State office, simply because some politicians and senior officers felt that she was defying them. Not that I wanted to back her up just because she is my friend but it is actually a clear warning sign from certain BIG people to few State directors who are being vocal about certain issues.

So because of this, I felt that my adventures and experiments here in Penang (and anywhere else) about food should be documented. You know, in case I too had a similar fate. Hmmm ...  suddenly I felt good about this new project of mine.

Anyway, join me in my adventure and know how to feast on food fits for a princess.


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